Tuesday, 12 July 2011

New Job Pyjamas

Last post was quite depressing, sorry.

Feeling better-ish now; did my last shift at the recruitment agency NEVER EVER GOING BACK and have new job as a receptionist in a 4 star hotel! Which is a good job for the summer, but still doesn't really compare to the internships that a lot of others are doing. I would have applied, but you need to know what you're doing first right??

Might want to go into Corporate social responsibility, or something in the NHS with no wrist cutting (bleugh) or maybe event management.... The question is, should I play to my strengths, do what I want to do, or do what I think I should do, which will be harder but probably more worth it in the end...?

Meant to be writing an essay on the Neural crest and how it separated vertebrates from non vertebrates, but CBA.

Missing everyone quite a lot, but I do have to be strict and DO SOME WORK!!!

Saying that...


Love and getting happier pyjamas :) xxxxxx

Ps. I am special to him :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Poo pyjamas

This is going to be a rubbish summer, I have royally fucked it up for myself, and have no one else to blame. It's my fault I have no money and so have to take any job that is offered to me, and my fault that I can't get the sleep I desperately need because I have to study.


I really do not feel like not going back to uni. I'd miss the boy and some of my friends but I could just live in Durham with them and not do the whole stupid uni thing. Which would possibly be more upsetting than having to spend the summer cleaning, and revising.

I know I don't have any other option than to go back and finish what I started but...

When the chips are down you really find out who your friends are, and there have been a few, less than welcome, surprises.