It's very creepy, 'cause we live in a terrace and the noises from the other houses come through the walls, so i get convinced that there are people in the house, I mean literally convinced.... this is how convinced I am:
I leave the hall light on when Im going to sleep so that I can see the shadow of the person if they walk past.
I lock the back door, hide the key and chain the front, so no one can get in or out.
Also, I have started to pee with the door slightly open so I can peer round it if i hear a noise, but not open enough so they could see me, (THAT would be naughty...)
AND there has been a few incidents where I have been pootling around upstairs and the person, who I am convinced is hiding SOMEWHERE in my house, has made a noise, so I will grab the nearest blunt weapon option, so far i have managed to find-
my hairbrush
a rolled up autosport magazine
my molecular biology book (SO heavy it would definitely do some damage, if i could lift it )
and a few pegs (throw them in the assassin's face and run away screaming???)
Im not actually sure what i would do if I found the person... I like to think I'd stand my ground and order them out of the house, and call the police, but I'd probably just scream. MAYBE THAT WOULD WORK!!! I could do my ridiculously high pitched screaming thing and that would break their eardrums and they would be screaming in agony on the floor, shouldn't have invaded my house biatch!! and I would call the police :D SORTED.
SUMMER IS NEARLY HERE. After these stupid exams, thought i might have a cheeky peak at UCAS today, Just to try to scare myself into some revision......Get up Get up we're painting flowers, all over our faces, just for show, sit down shut up we're taking hours, we'll cover the bases as we go. Feel the sun on your skin, I just want you to let your hair loose my dear, oh my dear!
LOVE and almost summery hugs.
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