Thursday, 4 August 2011

The interface pyjamas

Do you ever notice, that sometimes when people are talking, one person is talking about one thing, and the other is talking about something completely different?

I like to think I can pick up on these things quite well, and usually can step in, in these situations between the Family.

However today I went to the phone shop, and I think maybe phone shop people are a different breed of weirdness with their own language and codes of practice. The guy was REALLY WEIRD. Like not ha ha you're a bit odd weird, which can be awesome- see us for details- but really really, get away from me I would never leave my child within 100 m of you weird.

He had a ponytail, not a problem, tied up in the way that we used to tie ours when we were 8.... with blue and green bands:

  And the inbetweeny sections were really messy, which surely defeats the objective?? Anyway he was also wearing a half undone waistcoat... in a phone shop. BUT his worst crime was definitely that he was a CREEPY SLIMY SPACE INVADER as in one of those people who stands in your personal space, just a couple of inches too close, breathing on you, being too close and making you really REALLY REALLY uncomfortable:

And I don't know If I mentioned that he was CREPY AND SLIMY...... ewwwww. 

Anyway he was also totally useless, and I will be doing my own work to find a new tariff, and probably keep my old phone, even if it is a bit battered...

I also had my teeth removed and re inserted today..... maybe that's why Im feeling a bit cranky, and wasn't in the mood for him.

Finally, I have also remembered why I don't live at home full time....I know you all feel the same... We love you all dearly, lovely family, BUT BALAAGAHAHAGAHAGAHAGAHAGAGAAH. 

That is all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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