Tuesday, 23 August 2011
If only pyjamas
Beer and Ice Cream Diet
As we all know, it takes 1 calorie to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree centigrade. Translated into meaningful terms, this means that if you eat a very cold dessert (generally consisting of water in large part), the natural processes which raise the consumed dessert to body temperature during the digestive cycle literally sucks the calories out of the only available source, your body fat.For example, a dessert served and eaten at near 0 degrees C (32.2 deg. F) will in a short time be raised to the normal body temperature of 37 degrees C (98.6 deg. F). For each gram of dessert eaten, that process takes approximately 37 calories as stated above. The average dessert portion is 6 oz, or 168 grams. Therefore, by operation of thermodynamic law, 6,216 calories (1 cal./gm/deg. x 37 deg. x 168 gms) are extracted from body fat as the dessert's temperature is normalized. Allowing for the 1,200 latent calories in the dessert, the net calorie loss is approximately 5,000 calories.Obviously, the more cold dessert you eat,the better off you are and the faster you will lose weight, if that is your goal. This process works equally well when drinking very cold beer in frosted glasses. Each ounce of beer contains 16 latent calories, but extracts 1,036 calories (6,216 cal. per 6 oz. portion) in the temperature normalizing process. Thus the net calorie loss per ounce of beer is 1,020 calories. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to calculate that 12,240 calories (12 oz. x 1,020 cal./oz.) are extracted from the body in the process of drinking a can of beer.
Frozen desserts, e.g., ice cream, are even more beneficial, since it takes 83 cal./gm to melt them (i.e., raise them to 0 deg. C) and an additional 37 cal./gm to further raise them to body temperature. The results here are really remarkable, and it beats running hands down.
Unfortunately, for those who eat pizza as an excuse to drink beer, pizza (loaded with latent calories and served above body temperature) induces an opposite effect. But, thankfully, as the astute reader should have already reasoned, the obvious solution is to drink a lot of beer with pizza and follow up immediately with large bowls of ice cream.We could all be thin if we were to adhere religiously to a pizza, beer, and ice cream diet.
Happy eating!
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
21st Birthday pyjamas
Yesterday was awesome in some parts and sad and odd in others... Mum had this massive surprise planned in the morning... so I was dragged out of bed WAY too early for a birthday, given lots of nice presents, and some weird ones....including a nice charm of St christopher, on a really thick silver chain. I don't really like the chain, so I'm going to try and get it changed, and I think that's upset mum a bit, but I hope she can see it'd be better if i have something
I like.... And then we went all the way over to Christchurch, to where the regatta was- funfair and stalls etc, didn't go on them, waited in the car park until an open top bus turned up....and that was my surprise...we were going on a sightseeing tour, complete with commentary, of my home town. So yeh. We spent about 2 and a half hours on this bus, then got off and went for a really nice lunch at one of the other hotels in my chain (so I could get discount) awkward conversation around the lunch table, with everyone on their phones, then had to forgo pudding to get back on the bus to ride home. I suppose she was trying to do something different, but now whenever anyone asks what I did for my 21st I'll have to say I spent the day on a bus.
I'm not insinuating I wanted masses of money spent on me, (talking about money Grandad gave me £40, and uncle chris completely forgot my birthday) I would have been happy with a day in a field with a picnic, but in what universe, does a 21 year old who spent 7 years getting a bus twice a day to school, want to spend her birthday on a FLIPPING BUS!!!! I sound really ungrateful I know.
The afternoon 'party' was not a party, it was mum's friends sitting around a table talking to each other and eating food that we spent ages prepping (on my birthday.) Though when Debbie arrived she did give me a really nice present, which was sweet of her. Everyone else gave me money, which is nice but quite impersonal.
ANYWAY, in the evening I went to Cafe rouge with my friends, THAT was AWESOME, it was so nice to see everyone, I feel like i've been a flipping hermit with all this work and revision. They were all so chatty, all got on really well, and gave me the most amazing presents, with lovely long messages of love inside every card. I feel so lucky to have such awesome friends, they really saved my birthday :) Got slightly drunk and went home at 12.30 after thoroughly annoying the waitress, who clearly only wanted to go home, but nm! It was lovely, I love them all so much.
I like.... And then we went all the way over to Christchurch, to where the regatta was- funfair and stalls etc, didn't go on them, waited in the car park until an open top bus turned up....and that was my surprise...we were going on a sightseeing tour, complete with commentary, of my home town. So yeh. We spent about 2 and a half hours on this bus, then got off and went for a really nice lunch at one of the other hotels in my chain (so I could get discount) awkward conversation around the lunch table, with everyone on their phones, then had to forgo pudding to get back on the bus to ride home. I suppose she was trying to do something different, but now whenever anyone asks what I did for my 21st I'll have to say I spent the day on a bus.
I'm not insinuating I wanted masses of money spent on me, (talking about money Grandad gave me £40, and uncle chris completely forgot my birthday) I would have been happy with a day in a field with a picnic, but in what universe, does a 21 year old who spent 7 years getting a bus twice a day to school, want to spend her birthday on a FLIPPING BUS!!!! I sound really ungrateful I know.
The afternoon 'party' was not a party, it was mum's friends sitting around a table talking to each other and eating food that we spent ages prepping (on my birthday.) Though when Debbie arrived she did give me a really nice present, which was sweet of her. Everyone else gave me money, which is nice but quite impersonal.
ANYWAY, in the evening I went to Cafe rouge with my friends, THAT was AWESOME, it was so nice to see everyone, I feel like i've been a flipping hermit with all this work and revision. They were all so chatty, all got on really well, and gave me the most amazing presents, with lovely long messages of love inside every card. I feel so lucky to have such awesome friends, they really saved my birthday :) Got slightly drunk and went home at 12.30 after thoroughly annoying the waitress, who clearly only wanted to go home, but nm! It was lovely, I love them all so much.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Non-pregnant Pyjamas
Dear men with bad pick-up lines,
How do I like my eggs in the morning? Unfertilized.
Sincerely, nice try.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
The interface pyjamas
Do you ever notice, that sometimes when people are talking, one person is talking about one thing, and the other is talking about something completely different?
I like to think I can pick up on these things quite well, and usually can step in, in these situations between the Family.
However today I went to the phone shop, and I think maybe phone shop people are a different breed of weirdness with their own language and codes of practice. The guy was REALLY WEIRD. Like not ha ha you're a bit odd weird, which can be awesome- see us for details- but really really, get away from me I would never leave my child within 100 m of you weird.
He had a ponytail, not a problem, tied up in the way that we used to tie ours when we were 8.... with blue and green bands:
And the inbetweeny sections were really messy, which surely defeats the objective?? Anyway he was also wearing a half undone waistcoat... in a phone shop. BUT his worst crime was definitely that he was a CREEPY SLIMY SPACE INVADER as in one of those people who stands in your personal space, just a couple of inches too close, breathing on you, being too close and making you really REALLY REALLY uncomfortable:
I like to think I can pick up on these things quite well, and usually can step in, in these situations between the Family.
However today I went to the phone shop, and I think maybe phone shop people are a different breed of weirdness with their own language and codes of practice. The guy was REALLY WEIRD. Like not ha ha you're a bit odd weird, which can be awesome- see us for details- but really really, get away from me I would never leave my child within 100 m of you weird.
He had a ponytail, not a problem, tied up in the way that we used to tie ours when we were 8.... with blue and green bands:
And the inbetweeny sections were really messy, which surely defeats the objective?? Anyway he was also wearing a half undone waistcoat... in a phone shop. BUT his worst crime was definitely that he was a CREEPY SLIMY SPACE INVADER as in one of those people who stands in your personal space, just a couple of inches too close, breathing on you, being too close and making you really REALLY REALLY uncomfortable:
And I don't know If I mentioned that he was CREPY AND SLIMY...... ewwwww.
Anyway he was also totally useless, and I will be doing my own work to find a new tariff, and probably keep my old phone, even if it is a bit battered...
I also had my teeth removed and re inserted today..... maybe that's why Im feeling a bit cranky, and wasn't in the mood for him.
Finally, I have also remembered why I don't live at home full time....I know you all feel the same... We love you all dearly, lovely family, BUT BALAAGAHAHAGAHAGAHAGAHAGAGAAH.
That is all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
New Job Pyjamas
Last post was quite depressing, sorry.
Feeling better-ish now; did my last shift at the recruitment agency NEVER EVER GOING BACK and have new job as a receptionist in a 4 star hotel! Which is a good job for the summer, but still doesn't really compare to the internships that a lot of others are doing. I would have applied, but you need to know what you're doing first right??
Might want to go into Corporate social responsibility, or something in the NHS with no wrist cutting (bleugh) or maybe event management.... The question is, should I play to my strengths, do what I want to do, or do what I think I should do, which will be harder but probably more worth it in the end...?
Meant to be writing an essay on the Neural crest and how it separated vertebrates from non vertebrates, but CBA.
Missing everyone quite a lot, but I do have to be strict and DO SOME WORK!!!
Saying that...
Love and getting happier pyjamas :) xxxxxx
Ps. I am special to him :)
Feeling better-ish now; did my last shift at the recruitment agency NEVER EVER GOING BACK and have new job as a receptionist in a 4 star hotel! Which is a good job for the summer, but still doesn't really compare to the internships that a lot of others are doing. I would have applied, but you need to know what you're doing first right??
Might want to go into Corporate social responsibility, or something in the NHS with no wrist cutting (bleugh) or maybe event management.... The question is, should I play to my strengths, do what I want to do, or do what I think I should do, which will be harder but probably more worth it in the end...?
Meant to be writing an essay on the Neural crest and how it separated vertebrates from non vertebrates, but CBA.
Missing everyone quite a lot, but I do have to be strict and DO SOME WORK!!!
Saying that...
Love and getting happier pyjamas :) xxxxxx
Ps. I am special to him :)
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Poo pyjamas
This is going to be a rubbish summer, I have royally fucked it up for myself, and have no one else to blame. It's my fault I have no money and so have to take any job that is offered to me, and my fault that I can't get the sleep I desperately need because I have to study.
I really do not feel like not going back to uni. I'd miss the boy and some of my friends but I could just live in Durham with them and not do the whole stupid uni thing. Which would possibly be more upsetting than having to spend the summer cleaning, and revising.
I know I don't have any other option than to go back and finish what I started but...
When the chips are down you really find out who your friends are, and there have been a few, less than welcome, surprises.
I really do not feel like not going back to uni. I'd miss the boy and some of my friends but I could just live in Durham with them and not do the whole stupid uni thing. Which would possibly be more upsetting than having to spend the summer cleaning, and revising.
I know I don't have any other option than to go back and finish what I started but...
When the chips are down you really find out who your friends are, and there have been a few, less than welcome, surprises.
Friday, 3 June 2011
Invisible Pyjamas
I realise I have been rather Ignoring my page, possibly through too much to do and think about, but now exams are over, and the summer can officially start I have resolved to try to be a better blogger :)
UK children are the most examined children in the world, not that we can be considered children at the tender age of (nearly) 21.... but still with the exams!!
I have had a MAGNIFICANT Idea for my 21st Birthday; it involves these:
UK children are the most examined children in the world, not that we can be considered children at the tender age of (nearly) 21.... but still with the exams!!
I have had a MAGNIFICANT Idea for my 21st Birthday; it involves these:
More Details when I have decided more. But YEY, ORGANISING AND PARTIES AND ALCOHOL!!!!
Maybe that's what i should do with my life... don't have any other ideas..... Pyjama shaped love xxxxxxx
Friday, 8 April 2011
sexy pyjamas
Helloooo :) This is Kate. I have been having a lovely time with the wonderful Bridgette Lane and Sarah Moneypenny! I have discovered that Durham is beautiful. It's basically like a rather posh and giant village with a cathedral and a castle.... which students live in! Blimey. The river is also amazing. It's in a small valley and there are trees which grow all the way down to the water's edge. I am rather jealous of the people who live here. Sarah has been the best tour guide and I have no idea how we did not fall into the river when we went rowing! I expect bridgette has explained what we got up to so I will try to not repeat her but we have had mounds of food and various mini adventures :) I feel very southern here (my accent has suddenly become posh)! Everyone is so much more chatty in the north. Today some woman joined in our conversation about doctor who in a book shop. Awesome!
Thank you sarah for a wonderful time!!
Kate. <3
Thank you sarah for a wonderful time!!
Kate. <3
Right... Hello it's Bridgette,
I get a bit confused with blogs so I am just going to ramble.
Well here I am the furthest north I have ever been, a little bit too close to Scotland but I'll survive in order to see Sarah. So Durham is extremely pretty, which is made even more beautiful by the sunshine and it kinda makes me want to potter around in a pretty summer dress, looking at pretty historical buildings, drink tea and possibly listen to radio 4... as it will probably not surprise you that Liverpool does not make me feel like this.
Anywho on the History topic I discovered that Bede is buried in Durham cathedral, for all you silly science people that is basically the first person to write down Englands history a very long time ago, and Durham cathedral was founded in about 1093 ridiculously old.
Elsewhere we went rowing......ate a lot of food in a yum yum restaurant..... saw a college.....saw science site.....ate a lot of food.....watch dr who..... bought a massive book in oxfam which I then left in tesco and the train station, it was so big I kinda just forgot it existed.
Yeah well I keep spelling terribly and may make Antonia explode if I continue so Im going to stop
So farewell to my first and definitely last blog
I get a bit confused with blogs so I am just going to ramble.
Well here I am the furthest north I have ever been, a little bit too close to Scotland but I'll survive in order to see Sarah. So Durham is extremely pretty, which is made even more beautiful by the sunshine and it kinda makes me want to potter around in a pretty summer dress, looking at pretty historical buildings, drink tea and possibly listen to radio 4... as it will probably not surprise you that Liverpool does not make me feel like this.
Anywho on the History topic I discovered that Bede is buried in Durham cathedral, for all you silly science people that is basically the first person to write down Englands history a very long time ago, and Durham cathedral was founded in about 1093 ridiculously old.
Elsewhere we went rowing......ate a lot of food in a yum yum restaurant..... saw a college.....saw science site.....ate a lot of food.....watch dr who..... bought a massive book in oxfam which I then left in tesco and the train station, it was so big I kinda just forgot it existed.
Yeah well I keep spelling terribly and may make Antonia explode if I continue so Im going to stop
So farewell to my first and definitely last blog
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Alone pyjamas.
I am in my house, (OLD) by myself.
It's very creepy, 'cause we live in a terrace and the noises from the other houses come through the walls, so i get convinced that there are people in the house, I mean literally convinced.... this is how convinced I am:
I leave the hall light on when Im going to sleep so that I can see the shadow of the person if they walk past.
I lock the back door, hide the key and chain the front, so no one can get in or out.
Also, I have started to pee with the door slightly open so I can peer round it if i hear a noise, but not open enough so they could see me, (THAT would be naughty...)
AND there has been a few incidents where I have been pootling around upstairs and the person, who I am convinced is hiding SOMEWHERE in my house, has made a noise, so I will grab the nearest blunt weapon option, so far i have managed to find-
my hairbrush
a rolled up autosport magazine
my molecular biology book (SO heavy it would definitely do some damage, if i could lift it )
and a few pegs (throw them in the assassin's face and run away screaming???)
Im not actually sure what i would do if I found the person... I like to think I'd stand my ground and order them out of the house, and call the police, but I'd probably just scream. MAYBE THAT WOULD WORK!!! I could do my ridiculously high pitched screaming thing and that would break their eardrums and they would be screaming in agony on the floor, shouldn't have invaded my house biatch!! and I would call the police :D SORTED.
LOVE and almost summery hugs.
It's very creepy, 'cause we live in a terrace and the noises from the other houses come through the walls, so i get convinced that there are people in the house, I mean literally convinced.... this is how convinced I am:
I leave the hall light on when Im going to sleep so that I can see the shadow of the person if they walk past.
I lock the back door, hide the key and chain the front, so no one can get in or out.
Also, I have started to pee with the door slightly open so I can peer round it if i hear a noise, but not open enough so they could see me, (THAT would be naughty...)
AND there has been a few incidents where I have been pootling around upstairs and the person, who I am convinced is hiding SOMEWHERE in my house, has made a noise, so I will grab the nearest blunt weapon option, so far i have managed to find-
my hairbrush
a rolled up autosport magazine
my molecular biology book (SO heavy it would definitely do some damage, if i could lift it )
and a few pegs (throw them in the assassin's face and run away screaming???)
Im not actually sure what i would do if I found the person... I like to think I'd stand my ground and order them out of the house, and call the police, but I'd probably just scream. MAYBE THAT WOULD WORK!!! I could do my ridiculously high pitched screaming thing and that would break their eardrums and they would be screaming in agony on the floor, shouldn't have invaded my house biatch!! and I would call the police :D SORTED.
SUMMER IS NEARLY HERE. After these stupid exams, thought i might have a cheeky peak at UCAS today, Just to try to scare myself into some revision......Get up Get up we're painting flowers, all over our faces, just for show, sit down shut up we're taking hours, we'll cover the bases as we go. Feel the sun on your skin, I just want you to let your hair loose my dear, oh my dear!
LOVE and almost summery hugs.
I know I know pyjamas
I have been horrific and essentially forgotten to blog for MONTHS... But GOOD NEWS, it's exam and revision season so I AM back!!!
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Musing pyjamas
So tempted to 'poke the Martin bear' I kind of want to know what's going on, and what he said about me after I refused to get with him last year, but if i turn over the rock what will I find underneath? A silly little boy who should go back to pre-school probably, he seems to have missed out on all of the normal social graces and the whole 'growing up to be a big boy' part of life.
It was a long time ago, it's just bothering me atm because I know he's doing exactly the same thing to TFS as he did to me, and Im feeling particularly protective of him due to the A situation.
Why is unrequited love so exciting?
An article from BBC:
Romeo is not known for his sense of humour
Marriage doesn't mean love becomes bland
(Back to me)
Obviously we're not talking marriage at our level, but It does seem that an awful lot of people are falling for people they cant have. Sometimes it works out, (THANK GOD) but sometimes it doesn't and everyone involved get's hurt.
The worst thing is then when the object of the unrequited love starts 'toying' with the one in 'Love' (can you really be in love with someone if they have never loved you back?) Whether unintentionally or intentionally (Bloody harsh.)
Having (almost) been on both sides of this type of 'love' (but thank god I just thought it was unrequited) I am very aware of being the object and not encouraging in any way... but it's very hard when you consider (in full blow girl crazyness) how much can be derived from every little action. Factor in all the aggravating factors and you have one MESSY friendship:
I think it only really applies to TC but you see what I mean. Maybe we should just step away from each other.
Off topic check leanne out- she takes beautiful pictures (jealous) especially:
here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/_never_/ and here: http://leannelimwalker.blogspot.com/
Happy flicker browsing! xxxx
It was a long time ago, it's just bothering me atm because I know he's doing exactly the same thing to TFS as he did to me, and Im feeling particularly protective of him due to the A situation.
Why is unrequited love so exciting?
An article from BBC:
Literature's lust for unrequited love leaves us ill prepared for the reality of what love really is, says Alain de Botton in his weekly column.
From my early adolescence through to my early 30s, my most intense feelings of love were towards people who had little or no interest in loving me back.
Women who already had boyfriends, who meant to return my calls but had a habit of losing numbers, who gently explained they needed a little more time on their own, or preferred not to let sex spoil a valuable friendship.
Far from deserving pity for my fate I was in fact strangely blessed, for my apparent misfortune put me in touch with the most intense of all varieties of love - the unrequited kind.
Anyone who reads even a few novels about love will swiftly recognise that love in literature is almost always impeded in some way. What we call a love story is nothing of the sort, it is merely a story of love's interruption and delay. It is the record of a gradual victory over a range of obstacles to a happy union (parents, society, shyness, cowardice). With the consummation of love, there tends to be only one thing left for an author to do - end the story.
This focus on unrequitedness is of course a great solace for the lovelorn. It means that their feelings are continually heightened and confirmed by what they read. They are trained to dwell on, and evenz celebrate, the bitter-sweet sensations of waiting for a phone call and microwaving meals-for-one.
My immersion in literature made it natural that I should have been left somewhat unprepared for a most surprising event that befell me in my early 30s. Surprising, that is, for someone whose favourite novels had long included Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther (an unhappy quest for love followed by suicide) and Tolstoy's Anna Karenina (ditto).
I met someone, she didn't fail to call back, she didn't prefer to leave it at friendship, she didn't have to get home for work the next day. We fell in love and got married.
Suddenly, literature ceased to be any useful guide to what to expect. All that my books had prepared me for was an image of continuous perfection, a "happy love" that was essentially without any movement or action. It was a static image, like the sort we might have of a faraway holiday destination, and in a host of ways as unrelated to the reality of love as a postcard is to the reality of travel.
Literature and philosophy often dwell on the way that, soon after meeting our loved one, we may be filled with the curious sense that we know them already. It seems as though we've met them somewhere before, in a previous life perhaps, or in our dreams.
HermaphroditesIn Plato's Symposium, Aristophanes explains this feeling of familiarity with the claim that the loved one was our long lost "other half" whose body we had originally been stuck to. All human beings used to be hermaphrodites, recounts Aristophanes, creatures with four hands and four legs and two faces turned in opposite directions on the same head. But these hermaphrodites were so powerful and their pride so overweening that Zeus was forced to cut them in two - into a male and female half - and from that day, each man and each woman has yearned to rejoin the half from which he or she has been severed.
Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote
Unrequited love may be painful, but it is safely painful, because it does not involve inflicting damage on anyone but oneself”
I date the realisation that, despite all that united us, my wife was perhaps not the person from whom Zeus's cruel stroke had severed me, to a moment shortly after our move in together when she introduced me to a kettle she'd bought for the house. It was practical, efficient, but exactly the kind of kettle I hated. If we were actually in love, how was she able to declare a household item beautiful which I found ugly?
It took me only a few moments to shake myself free of that most pervasive and unhelpful of all literary romantic myths: the idea that happy love must mean conflict-free love. Differences between my wife and I gathered over a host of small matters of taste and opinion.
Why did I insist on leaving the pasta to boil for those fatal extra minutes? Why was I so attached to my ragged winter coat? Why did she always park the car with one of its wheels squashed against the kerb? Why was I such a light sleeper? Why did she have to own so many clothes if she wore so few?
It is surely not coincidental that most great lovers in literature are devoid of a sense of humour. It is as hard to imagine cracking a joke with Romeo as it is with Young Werther, both of them seem differently but desperately intense. And with the inability to laugh comes an inability to acknowledge the messiness and complexity of all things human, the contradictions inherent in any union, the need to accept that your partner will never learn to park the car or cook the pasta - but that you love them nevertheless.
Humour renders direct confrontation unnecessary, you can glide over an irritant, winking at it obliquely, making a criticism without actually needing to speak it ("By this joke I let you know that I dislike X without needing to tell you so, your laughter acknowledges the criticism").
HaremIt is a sign that two people have stopped loving one another (or at least stopped wishing to make the effort that constitutes an astonishing degree of what true, mature love appears to be), when they are no longer able to spin differences into jokes. Humour lines the walls of irritation between our ideals and reality. Behind each joke, there can be a hint of difference, of disappointment even, but it is a difference that has been defused and can therefore be passed over without the need for melodrama.
We are taught to imagine that romantic love might be akin to Christian love, a universal emotion that would allow us to declare: "I will love you for everything that you are." A love without conditions or boundaries, a love that is the embodiment of acceptance.
But the arguments that even the closest couples experience are a reminder that Christian love does not well survive the transition into the bedroom. Its message seems more suited to the universal than the particular, to the love of all men for all women, to the love of two companions who will not hear each other clipping their toe-nails.
Married love teaches us that we bring all of ourselves into a marriage - anxiety, boredom, free-floating sadness and alarm. I continue sometimes to feel unhappy about my work, to worry about my future and to be disappointed with myself and with my friends. Except that now, rather than sharing my sorrows, I tend to blame the person who lives beside me for them. My wife isn't just a witness to my problems, on a bad day, she can sadly end up being held responsible for them.
Unrequited love may be painful, but it is safely painful, because it does not involve inflicting damage on anyone but oneself. It's a private pain that is as bitter-sweet as it is self-induced. But as soon as love is reciprocated, you have to be prepared to give up the passivity of simply being hurt and take on the responsibility of perpetrating hurt yourself.
'Frantic desire'There have been other surprising things about marriage and the experience of requited love. One of the most challenging is the intense dependence it brings. Proust tells the story of Mohammed II who, sensing that he was falling in love with one of his wives in his harem, at once had her killed because he did not wish to live in spiritual bondage to another.
However far fetched a response, the story nevertheless captures something about the dangers of true love. A marriage is scary in part because it involves putting oneself almost wholly in someone else's hands. If my wife and I have an argument, we can no longer, as we might have done in the past, go off back to our own flats. There is now only one marital home. But though this constricted space may often be an imposition, in reality, it is also the best medium I have ever encountered for understanding the word compromise.
Continue reading the main story
Most of Western literature seems committed to the idea that love cannot last, it is based on absence and lack and is killed by routine and stability. "When you come to live with a woman, you will soon cease to see anything of what made you love her," writes Proust, unhelpfully, but representatively. According to this view, love is simply a direction, not a place and burns itself out with marriage.
Montaigne declared that: "In love, there is nothing but a frantic desire for what flees from us." A view echoed by Anatole France's maxim that: "It is not customary to love what one has."
But under the guise of worldly cynicism, this approach in fact betrays a quasi-adolescent blindness, for it attributes all the excitement and heroism of love to its unrequited part, while implicitly suggesting that there must be something at once easy and unheroic about the quest for everyday happiness.
As I now recognise, marriage is rarely in danger of being dull, and never in danger of being simple. The word marriage, suburban and colourless in its connotations, in fact hides a welter of intensity and depth that puts to shame the most passionate works of literature.
(Back to me)
Obviously we're not talking marriage at our level, but It does seem that an awful lot of people are falling for people they cant have. Sometimes it works out, (THANK GOD) but sometimes it doesn't and everyone involved get's hurt.
The worst thing is then when the object of the unrequited love starts 'toying' with the one in 'Love' (can you really be in love with someone if they have never loved you back?) Whether unintentionally or intentionally (Bloody harsh.)
Having (almost) been on both sides of this type of 'love' (but thank god I just thought it was unrequited) I am very aware of being the object and not encouraging in any way... but it's very hard when you consider (in full blow girl crazyness) how much can be derived from every little action. Factor in all the aggravating factors and you have one MESSY friendship:
The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is an analogy about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs all seek to become close to one another in order to share their heat during cold weather. However, once accomplished, they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp quills. They must step away from one another. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur for reasons which they cannot avoid.
Both Arthur Schopenhauer and Sigmund Freud have used this situation to describe what they feel is the state an individual will find themselves in relation to others. The hedgehog's dilemma suggests that despite goodwill, human intimacy cannot occur without substantial mutual harm, and what results is cautious behavior and weak relationships. With the hedgehog's dilemma one is recommended to use moderation in affairs with others both because of self-interest, as well as out of consideration for others. The hedgehog's dilemma is used to justify or explain introversion and isolationism.
I think it only really applies to TC but you see what I mean. Maybe we should just step away from each other.
Off topic check leanne out- she takes beautiful pictures (jealous) especially:
here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/_never_/ and here: http://leannelimwalker.blogspot.com/
Happy flicker browsing! xxxx
Monday, 7 February 2011
Adele Pyjamas
Cakes are in the oven, downstairs is tidy, washing is on, oh yes SUMMATIVES HAVE ARRIVED... if there was a degree in 'useful' procrastination I would undoubtably get a very high first and then a PhD and lecture in it at Oxford (or Durham which is blatantly better.)
Got a bit obsessed with Adele recently, she did a beautiful live lounge for Fearne Cotton;
With her new one ^ which is beautiful :) although she has the oddest in-congruency with her voice and her singing.
"If you two get married Im not coming to your wedding" "Why?" "Because when the vicar said 'does anybody know any lawful reason why these two may not be wed' I'd probably get up and tell everyone I still love you" Oh... nice casual convo on the way back from Ecology.
Would rant about valentines day but Curley A has beat me to it.....Eeep!
Got a bit obsessed with Adele recently, she did a beautiful live lounge for Fearne Cotton;
With her new one ^ which is beautiful :) although she has the oddest in-congruency with her voice and her singing.
"If you two get married Im not coming to your wedding" "Why?" "Because when the vicar said 'does anybody know any lawful reason why these two may not be wed' I'd probably get up and tell everyone I still love you" Oh... nice casual convo on the way back from Ecology.
Would rant about valentines day but Curley A has beat me to it.....Eeep!
Friday, 4 February 2011
Safari Pyjamas
Just interviewed for midsummer ball exec again! It was stressful pyjamas last year but It was super awesome to be involved in something so big AND it looks pretty good on the old CV. I think it went ok, Jack is in charge, so we just had a bit of an informal chat and he told me what he wants, though apparently the list is not 'exhaustive'.
So far:
THEME: safari
Ent's to be found: Ball pit (adult size) with animal print balls.
Safari Run (inflatable obstacle course sort of thing)
Safari themed carousel
Gamu (from X factor)
might have a bit of trouble with the last one....
Let's hope i'm in charge of Ent's again, It would be a bit embarrassing to not be after last year. Saw Sbas go for interview as well so let's hope we're working together again :)
Midsummer ball lovage.
So far:
THEME: safari
Ent's to be found: Ball pit (adult size) with animal print balls.
Safari Run (inflatable obstacle course sort of thing)
Safari themed carousel
Gamu (from X factor)
might have a bit of trouble with the last one....
Let's hope i'm in charge of Ent's again, It would be a bit embarrassing to not be after last year. Saw Sbas go for interview as well so let's hope we're working together again :)
Midsummer ball lovage.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Blue pyjamas
My housemates are 'down' with winter blues and serious girl problems or a disturbing revisit to the panic attack self hating cant see reason alcoholic from last year. Oh yes, it is fun. The atmosphere is murky to say the least, I almost feel guilty for not being as down with them as perhaps I should. Hiding in the boy's (not down) bed seems like a very good plan, but maybe it's better to try and help, though Im telling you guys Im not getting involved in the second one again, NO FREEKING WAY, it sounds harsh and unfeeling but I have NO IDEA what the hell Im doing and once was quite enough.
Love and missing some insane in the GOOD way people. xxxx
Love and missing some insane in the GOOD way people. xxxx
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
A very merry unbirthday pyjamas.
Happy Unbirthday!
I am celebrating with a chocolate cup cake and tea in techno cafe..... Techno, techno,techno TECHNO!!
Yes I am avoiding work :) xxxx
Sunday, 23 January 2011
I say don't you know pyjamas
So if you're lonely,
You know Im here waiting for you,
Im just a (crosshair???)
Im just a shot away from you
And if you leave here!
You leave me broken and scared and alone
Im just a (crosshair??)
Im just a shot then we can die...
What is that word?? Stop mumbling boy where is your enunciation?
As the person with the "poshest accent I've ever heard mate" It would be nice to hear some enunciation.
And to experience some proactive organisation from someone else, not that Im perfect.... Im writing this instead of doing CSF....
Saturday, 22 January 2011
No more sad posts pyjamas.
Not going to post anymore about my gran, it just makes me sad. I have started a few different posts about it and now I have time to sit and think by myself, without family to help out with or an endless list of things to do, I'm fully realising that she's gone. It's quite hard to deal with.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Glittery Roses Pyjamas
Tying up 'loose ends' is difficult, cutting short someone's 'life' informing everyone she knew, from the dentist, to the gardener, her best friends from 50 years ago and more recently to the family friends in Carlisle. Each phone call has to be made and the story repeated a thousand times, acceptance of generous condolences and avoiding of the awkward silence of 'what do you say to a person who's just lost their mother or grandmother on christmas day?' seriously, what do you say? there is nothing that can be said to fill that void.
It is only 'proper' that these phone calls are made by mum or her brother, chris, but she can only manage 2 or three a day or things just get too much, I wish i could help more.
Organising the funeral is also difficult and upsetting, but we have commissioned the BIGGEST arrangement of roses with the white ones having been dipped in glitter, which is so like her I cant tell you, she will/would love it:
Mum asked me to read a poem at the ceremony. It focuses on celebrating life rather than lamenting the death which is what we feel, and hope, is exactly what she would have wanted.
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