Monday, 30 January 2012

It takes a while to realise how true this is.

And I want one of these. <3

                                                                       Moneypenny xxx

Friday, 13 January 2012

Better than take out pyjamas

1lb  chicken
5 dried red chili peppers
3 green onions (sliced)
3 eggs (beaten)
½ cup cornstarch
oil (for frying)

1 ½ tablespoons rice vinegar
2 tablespoons rice wine
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1. Cut up chicken into "bite size pieces"

2. Make a better using 1/2 cup cornstarch (a.k.a. cornflour)  and the three eggs. Add the chicken to coat.

3 If you don't have a deep fat frier, and who does?? fry them in about an inch of oil in a regular pan or wok.

4. Drain these fried bits of funnyness on kitchen towel.

5. New frying pan, or just chuck away the oil, then put the chicken back in the pan and add chillies and green onions, or don't if you just want sticky, not HAWT

6. Combine all of the sauce ingredients 1 ½ tablespoons rice vinegar 2 tablespoons rice wine 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons cornstarch and dump on top of the chicken. It looks like alien goop at first, but keep cooking until it sticks to the chicken. Then Eat


:) Who says I don't love you?


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Steak Pie ala claire pyjamas

3/4 pound brazen steak
1 onion
Plain flour
1 tspn tomato puree
Beef stoock
Red wine - 1 glass for it rest of the bottle for you

1. Cut steak into small cubes.

2. Cover steak in 1 tbs flour.

3. Fry in a pan of hot oil to brown.

4. Add puree, onion and red wine. Stir until there are no lumps.

5. Add 3/4 pint beef stock and any seasoning (salt/pepper etc)

6. Put the pan in the oven an slow cook for two hours

For the topping

4oz self raising flour
2oz Atora suet in flour

Combine all of the above into a pastry

Roll out and place on top of streak in a pie dish then cook for 20 mins.

Yorkshire Pudding Pyjamas

4oz plain flour
Pinch salt
1/2 pint milk (1/4 milk 1/4 water)

Sieve flour into a bowl,

Crack eggs into flour and whisk.

Add half and half milk/water, whisk to hear a lapping noise.

Use a muffin tin, and fill each well with oil to 1/4 (of the well) put in the oven until it's piping hot, (5-10 mins.)

Fill to 1/2 with mix and then put the tin back in the oven for 20 mins.

Secret recipe pyjamas

I have finally been given the recipe for the enchilada sauce from my work, here it is, but out of respect for them I am missing out one vital ingredient.

1. Puree:

1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 diced, fried onion
Pinch coriander
Made up veg stock
As much cumin as you can handle
Ditto chilli powder
Tomato puree

2. Heat to boiling

3. Take off the heat and add half a tin of evaporated cream.

(This is HOT, like burn your taste-buds off HOT add more cream if you need)

Good with chicken, beef, veg, enchiladas, chimichangas.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Vegetarian Lasagne pyjamas


-Jar of Dolmio 
OR Red onion, 
Tomato paste, 
carton of tomatoes in tomato juice, 
basil/any other herbs you like,
gravy granules.

For the vegetables to go in the sauce, choose whatever you like, I usually go for root vegetables as they hold their shape better (carrot, swede, not potato) and something interesting such as asparagus etc.

Can of kidney beans.
Can of chickpeas
Butter or margarine
Plain flour
Milk 200ml
Lasagne pasta sheets

Part 1-Red sauce-

Either get a Dolmio, or similar red, sauce or make your own. If you cop out for a jar skip 2-4

1. Cut up all of the vegetables apart from the onion, and put them in to boil, in water, obvs, with a pinch of salt, until you can poke them, to your liking, with a fork.

2. While the veggies are boiling cut up the red onion, cut off the root first and bin it, that's what makes you cry, or wear goggles (sexy), neither are failsafe but both seem to work.

3. Fry the onion, in olive oil, with some garlic, salt and pepper. When the onion is soft add some tomato paste, and then when all of the onion is coated, the carton of tomatoes in juice.

4. Add fresh basil, pepper, some oregano if you like. Season to taste. (literally stick your spoon in and taste a bit, add some of a herb/spice that you like the smell of, and repeat until you like the taste of the sauce. Don't go nuts though. I sometimes add gravy granules, 'cause it's easy.)

5. Drain the vegetables, add to sauce, or if you went for the jar option, add jar of sauce to vegetables. Add the cans of kidney beans/chickpeas if you want them. In both cases add about 100ml of water (can be used to wash out the jar,) so that your sauce looks slightly watery. Set this mixture to one side. RECYCLE THOSE TINS AND JAR (WO)MAN!

Part 2- White sauce

1. Put about two tablespoons of margarine(/butter if you want a better taste/bigger hips), into a saucepan, let it just melt on a very low heat (lowest setting) YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS IF IT BURNS IT'S GROSS.

2. Take it off the heat (off the hob) and add a tablespoon of flour, stir with a wooden spoon and add more flour if needed to make the mix come off the sides of the saucepan, and be thick enough to stay off.

3. Add about 300ml of milk and whisk, transfer back to the hob. Whisk gently but continuously for 2 mins, I mean it.

4. Leave it to settle for 20 seconds (NO MORE) then stir a few times, repeat, you're waiting for the sauce to begin to thicken, you will feel it when you try to whisk.

5. When you feel it begin to thicken keep stirring, THIS IS THE STAGE IT MIGHT BURN INTO BAD TIME PYJAMAS, WATCH OUT. So keep stirring, slowly, until it has become a thick white sauce.

6. Take the pan off the heat, grate as much cheese as your diet allows/ you want and add to the sauce, stir in until it's melted. I like to season with pepper. Taste the sauce. It's your fault if you burnt it. I did warn you.

Part 3- Making up the lasagne

1 . Set a pan of water boiling, when it is, add your lasagne sheets to it, about 3 at a time so they don't stick together, until they become floppy.

2. Put a layer of red sauce in the lasagne bowl, and cover with the par-boiled lasagne sheets, then white sauce, then lasagne sheets then red sauce.... you get the idea.

3. Last layer should be cheese sauce.

4. Bake in the oven at 200 for 1hr.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Brave new world/ 1984 Pyjamas

I guess Huxley won.

Banoffee Pie Pyjamas

1 carton of whipping cream
1 flake
1 packet of digestives
1/3 of a pack of 250g butter
1 tin condensed milk.
1 banana

1. Put tin in to a saucepan to boil (in water obvs) for two hours, keep topping up to make sure the water doesn't evaporate. Otherwise there will be exploding-can bad times.

2. Find a thick plastic bag with no holes (freezer bags work best) put the whole packet of digestives in it and beat the crap out of it with a rolling pin, until it looks like breadcrumbs.

3. Put the butter mug, and melt in 30 secs, stir, 30 secs, sets, until melted, don't leave the spoon in the microwave unless you want a LIGHTNING STORM (or any other metal for that matter.)

4. Mix the digestives and the butter in a bowl, with a wooden spoon and, spread across the bottom of a flan/pie dish. I like pie dishes because you can fit MORE in.

5. Put the dish in the fridge until the tin has finished boiling.

6. Check the condensed milk, no explosion= good.

7. When the tin has had two hours, take it off the heat and pour into a colander (it's fricking hot btw.) Run cold water over it for about 10 secs or however much time you're willing to spend doing it in relation to how much you don't like burnt hands. The tin feels horrible, like scratchy and all fingernails down the blackboard-y. Bleugh.

8. Quickly open can with can opener, now is not the moment to discover can opener is rubbish. The quicker you open it the less delicious carameliness will get spilt. (or depending on how grim your kitchen is, the more you can lick off the side.)

9 Upend the can over the biscuit base (that you got out of the fridge earlier...) caramel will slide out and form an attractive tin shaped tower on your base.

10. Attack with a knife/spoon/your hand, depending on how much you like the people you're giving it to, to spread it all over the base,

11. Pour cream into a bowl, whip. If you haven't got an electric whisk (no student does) get a (willing) man to do it, they seem to have strangely strong upper arms, only on one side for some reason, and can do repetitive wrist motions for a long time...weird.

12. Cut up banana into pound size pieces, spread evenly across toffee. (NOTE. I hate banana, it makes me vom, due to an unfortunate incident with banana flavoured medicine at age 7, so another fruit that works= raspberries, I only do the banana one when I don't have to eat it.)

13. Spoon the whipped (should slide off spoon vv slowly if you hold the spoon upside-down) cream on top, cover the whole thing.

13.  Crumble flake, in the same vein as the biscuit rage in 2.

14. Sprinkle flake on top.

15. Feed to the ravenous pit.