Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Exam Pyjamas

PROCRASTINATION procrastination PrOcRaCsTiNaTiOn......
I have.. painted my nails, three times, tidied, made cakes AND brownies, signed my house, stalked people I may or may not know until i knew EVERYTHING THAT FACEBOOK CAN TELL ME ABOUT EVERYTHING... got myself into a sneaky crazy thought spiral... obsessed over Postsecret, FML, TFLN and Dear Blank Please Blank, watched the new GG, eaten a lot of my cakes... been very distracted by the boy... re 'styled' -read messed up- my hair x10000000, In fact the one thing I won't/can't/am not doing is Looking-at-that-big-pile-of-revision-notes-that-is-staring-at-me-on-my-desk!!!!

This is my 'revision' music Excision Radio 1 mix... it's a tad mental and makes we want to DANCE... Like when K A and I dressed us Lady gaga and went into town... SO MUCH FUN!!!! Though people did insist on poking my coke cans:

Miss you all, A LOT, home soon though :) in 11 days!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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