Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Hug Pyjamas

The last post was a bit raw, I apologise, but I'm not going to edit it, it really was how things were at the time.

We miss her, but I know she was unhappy and in pain, so in typical Granny style she went out with a bang. On Christmas Day naturally.

Just been thinking of some favourite memories of her and by far my favourite quote was (when we were teasing A because he does ballet and therefore is clearly gay) is-"If he's gay then I'm a lesbian!" now imagine that coming out of a 74year old lady's mouth...

We're beyond the hysterical stage of not wanting to leave the house or talk to anyone, but still in the generally sad stage. It's better to be distracted, which my friends have been performing amazingly at, thank you so much guys for your love and support, it's at times like these you really get to know who your friends are :)

A note on hugs...

Hugs are special... a symbol of mutual affection, or a wish for some, they can mean a multitude of things from 'I love you' to 'missed you' to 'Im here for you' or even just 'hi' They are a mutual decision by two people that they want close contact with the other.
I firmly believe that one of best things about loosing the 'stiff upper lip' image of Britain has been the general acceptance of hugging, and hugging of everyone.

My friends and I hug, hello, goodbye, when we're happy, sad or just generally together, These hugs mean so much to me, its impossible to put into words.

Hugs seem so simple but they can be portrayed in a variety of ways; whomever puts their arms over is generally 'in control' but in a I'm here for you/protecting you sort of way either in a parent child way, or with someone you feel really safe with.

  and where you put your head is also indicative: best friends, boyfriends, girl friends, boy friends, family it's all different;
How long do you hold on for? How much emotion can you convey? 

I love going to sleep being hugged, and waking up in the same way, Im naturally a fidgety sleeper, but that fact that we wake up in the same hug lets me know Im so happy where I am even my subconscious doesn't move me.

So glad we're not boys the awkward 'man hug' just doesn't cut it:

In short, I love hugs, and at a time like this they mean so much to me. Thank you to all the huggers out there you are (almost literally) holding those of us who need it together.

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