Thursday, 2 December 2010

Should be working pyjamas

We've got a house!! It's exciting because it's right in the centre of town AND near the science site, so no more of this bollocks leaving the house at flipping 8.30... I want the double room at the front for obvious reasons :D.

We had an awesome chat last night about when we realised we liked each other, (just after christmas LAST YEAR for both of us...) I just feel so lucky that I've found someone so awesome who I like and he likes me back!!

Yes, yes I am still in that annoying first stage of the relationship, I apologise.

Unfortunately there has also been sad bad home news, Big G is still in hospital, they've diagnosed her, it's not good. Words like "Just get her home" "Make her comfortable" and "take each week as it comes" were being bandied around by a strangely calm Mother, M said 'she's just as sick as she was before but now we have a name for it,  so why are you shocked?'.... Um because I didn't think things were this bad! They're considering moving her into our house... which will be traumatic for all involved. It seems that the family has a strict 6 months before some new and equally unfair bullshit happens policy.

I feel like I don't want to go home and face it, I am strangely alienated all the way up here, which although probably won't help in the long run, and is a horrible thing to say because I need to be there for everyone, is a bit of a relief. Im just going to bury myself in work (got enough!!) and deal with things when I go home, It can't get much worse can it??? (please don't prove me wrong.)

Novice cup this weekend NERVOUS!!
Starch off on Friday :)
Pretend christmas soon!
LOTS of work to do... SO I will see you loves soonish, as I procrastinate away.

Sad hugs

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